Pod 18
- pod与spm的比较与区别(Amplify)
- pod与spm的比较与区别
- podspec引入图片、宏定义、依赖库
- pod报Failed to extract git version from `git --version`
- xcframework-xcframeworks.sh:/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted
- 使用依赖静态库包target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries
- xcframework使用pod依赖时,release模式下报找不到库
- pod私有库创建及使用
- pod依赖大git库加载不成功的处理/pod根据电脑动态配置path本地依赖
- framework操作及制作podfile引入
- Mac M1芯片报错libPods-xxx.a' is missing one or more architectures required by this target: ...
- Mac M1芯片导致pod库找不到的问题
- 每年痛一次的cocoapods
- 由pod安装YYWebImage不能正常展示webp图片所思
- CocoaPods升级
- CocoaPods报(The `master` repo is not a git repo.)
- Cocoapods 第三方库报mas_makeConstraints:]: unrecognized selector
- CocoaPods: pod search 搜索类库失败的解决办法